Document Type


Date of Award

Summer 8-31-1999

Degree Name

Master of Science in Telecommunications - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Constantine N. Manikopoulos

Second Advisor

Yun Q. Shi

Third Advisor

Dionissios Karvelas


Powerline control signaling using CEBus has great potential towards inexpensive home automation. CEBus transmits at 10 kBps using spread spectrum in the 100-400 kHz band while X-l0 sends 60 Bps using bursts of 120 kHz carrier on the power line. However, these two signals may destructively interfere when present simultaneously. X-10 is narrow band and interferes with the CEBus spread spectrum signal. This thesis looks into the mutual interference patterns of Power Line CEBus communication in the presence of X-l0 module signaling and visa versa. The investigation encompasses a series of tests and measurements on a Power Line CEBus-X10 test bed. The test bed allows progressively attenuated signal levels of X-10 to interact with CEBus and vice versa. Thus, the probability of success of CEBus and X-10 packets were studied at various levels of CEBus and X-10 in absolute as well as in relative terms in the ranges of approximately 0 to 20 dB. In general, the CEBus signal obstructs the X-10 signal. Weak strength X-l0 does not have any effect on CEBus, but a weak strength CEBus does have a discernable adverse effect on X- 10. For the same levels of attenuation, CEBus packets have a higher probability of survival than X- 10, which can be attributed to the processing gain inherent to the CEBus spead spectrum signaling as well as to the lower detection threshold level of CEBus with respect to X-l0. However, when a strong X- 10 signal interferes with a weak CEBus signal some probability of CEBus packet loss was observed. Simulation studies further illuminated the interference behavior of the CEBus X-l0 cohabitating signals under that scenario.



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