Document Type


Date of Award

Summer 8-31-1999

Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science - (M.S.)


Computer and Information Science

First Advisor

Franz J. Kurfess

Second Advisor

James A. McHugh

Third Advisor

Leon Jololian


The prime objective of the thesis is to research and demonstrate the benefits and advantages of using Internet and multimedia tools for an interactive educational leaning experience. As we speak Internet is developing as a mainstream communication medium via personal computer as a tool at a breathtaking speed. The information technology field is a prime reason behind such phenomenon as it continues to mature and expand. In what is described as the "information age", the students of information technology need to master and devour new complex technological concepts and ideas at faster rate than ever before. The traditional approach using the textbooks is not feasible due to their static, linear and often colorless nature. So there is a tremendous need to develop an interactive, fun and yet detailed and challenging educational experience.

In next several chapters, the solution is presented as to how to tackle such a challenge or task, by using the Operating System concepts, specifically using Memory Management concepts as a case study. The concepts include topics such as logical vs. physical address space, etc.



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