"FPGA-based implementation of parallel graph partitioning" by Mohammad Kharashgeh

Document Type


Date of Award

Summer 8-31-2006

Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Sotirios Ziavras

Second Advisor

Edwin Hou

Third Advisor

Jie Hu


Graph partitioning is a very important application that can be found in numerous areas, from finite element methods to data processing and VLSI circuit design. Many algorithms have been developed to solve this problem. Of special interest is multilevel graph partitioning that provides a very efficient solution. This method can also be parallelized and implemented on various multiprocessor architectures. Unfortunately, the target of such implementations is often unavailable high-end multiprocessor systems. Here a parallel version of this method for an in-house developed multiprocessor system is implemented on an FPGA. The system designed provides a cost-effective solution.

The design is based on two Altera soft IP Nios processors. They are synchronized using shared locks. Also, they communicate information by writing messages into buffers. These buffers are also implemented with shared memory.

The design was tested for various graph sizes. The speedup was not attractive for the small graphs but becomes much better as the size of the graph increases. A speedup up to 22% was achieved compared to the single processor design. Larger graphs could yield better speedups. The quality of the partitions produced was also close to the numbers achieved by a single processor. Balance constraints were forced on the partitions and the variations were within 2% of the optimal ones.



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