Document Type


Date of Award

Fall 1-27-2008

Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Sotirios Ziavras

Second Advisor

Roberto Rojas-Cessa

Third Advisor

Jie Hu


Handheld devices, such as mobile phones, PDAs and others, have become an integrated part of our lives. They are perfectly suitable to become the first real-life platforms for mobile computing applications. A lightweight holistic authentication and authorization scheme is presented for this typical wireless scenario. It is shown that either SIM or Kerberos authentication has its limitations. A two-factor authentication method SIM-based Kerberos authentication is developed to implement the Secure Single Sign-on function with LDAP protocol realization for authorization and mobile directory services. Performance analysis and power consumption analyses for this protocol are presented as well. Our results show that our SIM-Based Kerberos authentication is significantly optimized to be suitable for mobile platforms.



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