Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering - (M.S.)


Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

First Advisor

Ian Sanford Fischer

Second Advisor

Rajesh N. Dave

Third Advisor

Anthony D. Rosato


A recent investigation by Fischer and Freudenstein questioned the validity of the negligible axial forces assumption in the static force analysis of Cardan Joints. The purpose of this paper is to experimentally assess this assumption for the dynamic case.

To this end an experiment was constructed to determine the axial forces acting on the intermediate revolute joints of a Cardan joint. A four-square test arrangement was prepared such that shaft intersection angle, shaft torque, and shaft speed could be varied. Strain gages were applied to the "arms" of the joint to measure the resulting strains due to the forces along the axes of the intermediate revolute joints. These strains were then used to estimate the magnitude of the axial forces as they varied with shaft rotation position . In addition, the forces were graphed three dimensionally against the above mentioned parameters to illustrate their effects on the force magnitudes.

It was found that the variation of axial force was harmonic in nature with one period per revolution. This harmonic nature was especially obvious at higher angles of shaft intersection, and lower speeds. Axial force amplitudes as high as 50 lbs. were observed in a Cardan joint transmitting a torque of 400 in.lbs.



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