Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Marshall Chuan Yung Kuo

Second Advisor

Edwin Hou

Third Advisor

Yun Q. Shi


The problem of unconstrained optimal control of continuous-time singular systems is considered, by straight forward extension of some well-known equations derived for ordinary state-space systems by variational calculus and by the aid of the simplest algebraic and matrix tools: In this thesis, the interest is restricted to the case where the system is to be driven from a fixed initial state to a fixed final state as well as free final state tf while minimizing a performance index of the form

J = 1/2 ∫tf to <( Y - Yi), Q ( Y - Yi) > dt

Subject to,

Ex = Ax + Bu

Y = Cx

After a linear transformation the singular control problem in generalized state space is transformed into a standard regulator problem: Necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality are derived: Examples are illustrated to support the theorems developed in this thesis:



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