Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering - (M.S.)


Manufacturing Engineering Division

First Advisor

E. S. Geskin

Second Advisor

Martin J. Levy

Third Advisor

Avraham Harnoy


This study is to investigate the effects of AWJ properties on the results of glass machining and to develop a practical procedure for prediction of these results of abrasive waterjet (AWJ) machining. The use of glass in engineering and Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Technology are introduced. A practical technique to prevent defects and to improve the quality of the glass surface is suggested. A earlier parameter introduced, Exergy Distribution Density (EDD), is used in order to characterize the cutting conditions.

It was found that besides of EDD the results of machining are affected by the particles' destruction in the course of mixing, the effects of diameters of the Dn(sapphire nozzle) and Dc(carbide tube), Qa(particles flow rate), S(particles size) and (water pressure) on particles destruction were evaluted.

With the results of glass machining, several empirical models were established. Further experiments demonstrated that these models could be used to predict the cutting depth of glass by Abrasive Waterjet.

Included in

Manufacturing Commons



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