Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering - (M.S.)


Biomedical Engineering Committee

First Advisor

R. S. Sodhi

Second Advisor

David S. Kristol

Third Advisor

Rajesh N. Dave


Numerous previous attempts have been made to determine the magnitude and the direction of forces acting on the hip joint. The mechanism of femoral neck fractures and the frequently occurring failure of its internal fixation has led engineers to analyze the forces involved. An unstable intertrochanteric fracture is one which lacks continuity of the bone cortex on the opposing surfaces of the proximal and digital fragments. A mathematical model is created in this study to examine the 135° and 150° nail plate. The results give an approximate estimation of stresses on the two plates. A 3D finite element model of the two plates is created and the plate is loaded with different forces. Stress analysis of the two plates is performed to obtain the optimum design for an intertrochanteric fracture fixation device. A study is also made of the variables affecting the treatment of Unstable Intertrochanteric Fractures. This study concludes that the location of the plate and the plate angle affect the stresses as well as the treatment of the fractures. From the study we can conclude that the 150° plate is better than the 135° plate, since the stresses found in the 150° plate were calculated to be lower than the 135° plate.



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