Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering - (M.S.)


Manufacturing Engineering Division

First Advisor

R. S. Sodhi

Second Advisor

Nouri Levy

Third Advisor

Steve Kotefski


Design for manufacturing has design as the first manufacturing step. It is important to recognize the importance of design clubing with manufacturing to reduce the production, set up time. In this thesis concepts of design, manufacturing and four different ways of bringing design and manufacturing together are discussed in detail.

As there are large number of variables in the gear rating equations, it is very difficult to achieve optimum design by manual methods unless an extensive trial and error process is carried out. An algorithm has been developed which allows rapid convergence to the optimum gear design. The algorithm has the capability to solve for the optimum solutions over a wide range of input parameters. This algorithm has been computerized in the form of an interactive gear design package. This thesis presents the flow chart, the whole program in FORTRAN, and explanation of the algorithm.

The optimization described in this thesis has a solution criterion whose objective is to eliminate unwarranted capacity of a gear pair. The technique developed significantly reduces the computing time required to obtain the solution. This involves a trimming of possible trials based on restrictions as well as knowledge of trends associated with the empirical formulae governing variables in the power calculations.

Included in

Manufacturing Commons



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