Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical Engineering

First Advisor

S. Pandey

Second Advisor

Kenneth Sohn

Third Advisor

Tushar Bhattacharjee


Results of combined electrical and thermal aging and only thermal aging studies conducted on a 'fish' paper insulation material are presented in this thesis.

The model for aging has been proposed which is essentially the Arrhenius equation with a weighted factor {exp -cg/kT1 to describe the enhanced reaction rate process under combined thermal and electrical stress. A procedure has been described for evaluation of parameters of this new model.

It is seen that life estimates obtained with this model are close enough to the experimental results.

In addition, reliability data were also generated on the same material using electrical noise. It is seen that there is a high correlation between the electrical noise (measured at room conditions) and the material catastrophic failure when subjected to combined thermal and electrical stress. In another experiment we found that the noise increase is more when material is subjected to thermal/electrical stress rather than only thermal stress. This part of experimental result suggests that electrical noise can be used as a possible sensor for impending equipment shut downs or maintenance schedules.



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