Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Management - (M.S.)


School of Industrial Management

First Advisor

Naomi G. Rotter

Second Advisor

Aaron R. Pulhamus


This study focuses on a comparison of US and Taiwan students' attitudes towards public and private organizations. To identify the differences between two samples, 60 US students and 65 Taiwan students completed a questionnaire on 40 job attributes. Mixed design ANOVA revealed significant differences between the two samples.

Overall, students from the US had more positive attitudes than students from Taiwan. For both groups, attitudes were more positive for private-sector organizations than for public-sector organizations. And both groups believed that organizations fared better on extrinsic attributes than on intrinsic ones. However, significant interactions indicated that attitudes are complex and varied for the type of organization and attributes being judged.

Included in

Business Commons



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