Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering - (M.S.)


Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

First Advisor

Rong-Yaw Chen

Second Advisor

Benedict C. Sun

Third Advisor

Jui Sheng Hsieh


Deposition of particles in a parallel-plate channel under the influence of inertia, fluid viscosity, gravity and image forces was studied using trajectory method.

A laminar fluid flow of uniform and parabolic (or fully-developed) velocity profiles is assumed and the fluid is suspended with particles having the same velocity as the fluid at the inlet plane. The particles flowing into a horizontal parallel-plate channel have no initial velocity in the vertical direction. The influence of gravity force and image force produces a vertical motion which results in deposition of particles on the channel walls.

A trajectory method was employed to find the particle trajectory of each particle entering the channel. The governing equations were solved with the fourth-order Runge Kutter method. Depositions were calculated based on the distance a particle reaches the wall. It was found that the depositor increases with increasing gravity effect and image force effect (i.e. the electrostatic force effect).

The image force effects dominate the flow when the ratio of the charge parameter Q to the gravity parameter is greater than 100 and diminishes when Q/G is less than 0.01. The inertia force reduces the deposition and the viscous force also reduces the deposition. The uniform flow gives higher deposition than the fully-developed flow.



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