Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Management - (M.S.)


School of Industrial Management

First Advisor

Naomi G. Rotter

Second Advisor

Mark John Somers


This thesis examined the concept of equity and the importance of its perceptions on the job. A survey was conducted at New Jersey Institute of Technology. The sample consisted of 150 employees from 27 different departments. The employees were split into three status groups - Non-Professional Staff, Professional Staff and Faculty.

The questionnaire used in the survey was adopted from Carrell and Dittrich's "Organizational Fairness Scale", (1976). The questions probed seven dimensions of the job which were work pace, distribution of tasks, pay level, pay rules, latitude, rule administration, and pay administration.

The seven job dimensions were treated as dependent variables and the four demographic factors (age, tenure, qualification, and status) were treated as independent variables. The analyses utilized MANOVA since there were multiple dimensions of perceived equity.

The mean dimension scores indicated high levels of perceived inequity across all dimensions of the job. However, job status was found to be the only significant demographic variable on the dimension of latitude and rule administration. The other demographic variables, age, tenure, and qualification did not reflect the significance showed by job status.

The research reinforces the concept that equity is multifaceted and people conform to the norm of equity, thereby, clearly reiterating the need for organizations to be more conscious and sensitive to equity perceptions on the job.

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Business Commons



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