Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Environmental Science

First Advisor

Piero M. Armenante

Second Advisor

Dana E. Knox

Third Advisor

Robert Benedict Barat


Baffled vessels with multiple impellers are widely used in industry to generate liquid-liquid dispersions. In this work, a new method to determine the minimum agitation speed for complete dispersion in two immiscible liquids was developed. This method was conceived to replace the traditional visual observation method that has been extensively used in the past for this purpose. The minimum agitation speeds for liquid-liquid dispersion with single and multiple impellers in baffled vessel were also measured. The effect of a number of variables such as size and type of impellers, size of tank, impeller location, spacing between impellers, and dispersed phase volume fraction were studied. The results obtained in this work indicate that, contrary to intuition, the presence of multiple impellers may not necessarily be beneficial to the achievement of the just dispersed state for liquid-liquid dispersion. When a multiple impeller system was used the configuration with pitched blade turbines (pumping upward) required to least amount of power to produce a complete liquid-liquid dispersion.



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