Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering - (M.S.)


Manufacturing Engineering Division

First Advisor

Nouri Levy

Second Advisor

Sanchoy K. Das

Third Advisor

MengChu Zhou


This work is dedicated to small manufacturing enterprises seeking to explore Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) technology, which is the recent trend in the manufacturing world. The main theme of this thesis is to improve productivity, product quality and reliability, and to reduce costs by integrating various discipline in small manufacturing environment, using computer technology.

To achieve this goal, a hypothetical small manufacturing company was chosen as a subject. The typical functional and organizational structures were analyzed and possible problem areas were highlighted. The problems relating to manufacturing process were studied in detail, and possible solutions were proposed to computerize the respective manufacturing functions. Technologies suggested to implement the solution include a Sun 386i workstation networked with 80286 microprocessor based PCs using Ethernet connections and industry standard software namely AutoCAD, IDEAS, SmartCAM and FourthShift.

By implementing CIM through such a systems approach following could be achieved:

Direct Numerical Control (DNC), 2-D and 3-D part geometry using CAD-CAM link, improved control over inventory, better planning of resources, significant reduction in manufacturing cycle time and so on and so fourth.

The main emphasis here is the understanding of principles involved in establishing relationships between functional areas of CIM, and defining problems pertaining to them. The applicability of the CIM system is very broad, however some of the most influential areas are discussed to demonstrate the systems power. Nevertheless, problem issues pertinent to non-technical field is beyond the scope of this work.

It must be emphasized that although CIM must be customized to each industrial business and/or organization, a major part of it is common from the systems design point of view to many industries. And it is hoped that this work will be helpful to many small manufacturing units.

Included in

Manufacturing Commons



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