Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering - (M.S.)


Manufacturing Engineering Division

First Advisor

Keith T. O'Brien

Second Advisor

R. S. Sodhi

Third Advisor

Nouri Levy


The ongoing personal computer development has led to its increasing application in manufacturing to improve productivity. Being more aware of this technology, most of these benefits have accrued to large firms. The intent of this thesis is to show that it is equally advantageous for small manufacturing companies to utilize them and show how they can do so.

The field of production control systems is discussed and those areas where personal computers can be applied are emphasized. Forecasting, warehouse management, material requirement planning, and inventory control are the most appropriate. An application example using dBase III plus to write the program is discussed. This program shows how the database may be used to handle information.

Included in

Manufacturing Commons



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