Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Management - (M.S.)


School of Industrial Management

First Advisor

Naomi G. Rotter


This study investigated a new organizational structure within the data processing field. In an attempt to curb job turnover and improve job satisfaction within a typical application software development environment, the concept of the Application Software Development Pool (ASDP) was developed. To identify differences and employee reactions to implementing ASDP's organizational structure versus a more conventional data processing organizational structure, 15 employees participated in a conventional DP group and 15 were assigned to the ASDP group. Job satisfaction questionnaires were distributed both before and after the six month implementation period. Data analysis revealed significant differences between the two groups. The impacts of the ASDP are discussed in terms of employee job satisfaction, organizational goals, and predictions of future job turnover rates.

Included in

Business Commons



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