Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Engineering - (M.S.)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Jay N. Meegoda

Second Advisor

Harold D. Deutschman


Petroleum contaminated soils are considered solid waste They must be taken to solid waste facilities such as landfills or some other method must be found to deal with them. Landfills are becoming limited and is looked upon by the government as the least attractive option. One method that looks promising is to use petroleum contaminated soils in Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete.

In the research program the following are examined: 1) Investigation of material properties of the petroleum contaminated soil and aggregates 2) The proper procedure to produce a design blend of asphalt concrete. 3) Establishing the test procedure protocol to determine if asphalt concrete is durable 4) Field test design for the testing of asphalt concrete durability.

This thesis also discusses the durability aspect of using petroleum contaminated soil in Hot Mix Asphalt. Test were performed to determine if petroleum contaminated soil can withstand varying temperatures and comparable loads to heavy traffic. In order to determine the durability of petroleum contaminated soil in Hot Mix Asphalt , the freeze-thaw, wet-dry, and Marshall Strength test were used to determine the tensile strength ratio, percentage swell, and the stability of asphalt concrete. The test showed asphalt concrete can be determined durable if it retains 80% of its strength during the first freeze-thaw or wet-dry cycle. From this experimental program, it is concluded that asphalt concrete with petroleum contaminated soils is durable under cyclic temperatures



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