Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Engineering - (M.S.)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Yeun C. Wu

Second Advisor

Paul N. Cheremisinoff


Chemical Solidification and Stabilization of toxic metal-containing sludges is one of the most important problems for environmental protection. Although Chemical Solidification and Stabilization of hazardous wastes prior to disposal is increasing in importance, very little work has been done concerning the leaching mechanisms and kinetic models.

In this study, we apply Freundlich & Langmuir isotherms on Chemical Solidification and Stabilization process, and the theoretical results match with experimental data very well. In the same time, we develop a simple methematical kinetic model which relates leaching concentration of heavy metal to curing time. In this study kinetic model, what you need to input are only leaching concentration, C, and curing time, t; instead of cumulative contaminant loss, an, initial amount of contaminant, Ao, volume of specimen, V, surface area of specimen, S, time to the end of leaching period n, tn, and effective diffusion coefficient, De, which are used in Godbee's kinetic model.



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