Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biology - (M.S.)


Federated Department of Biological Sciences

First Advisor

Gareth J. Russell

Second Advisor

Daniel E. Bunker

Third Advisor

Xiaonan Tai


Urban tree service and urban forestry are important fields that focus on the care and management of trees in urban areas. Urban trees provide numerous benefits around all aspect, including carbon storage, improving air and water qualities. Carbon storage refers to the process of removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and storing it in various reservoirs, and in this case, in trees and forests.

i-Tree is a suite of software tools developed by the United States Forest Service that provides a range of resources for assessing and managing forests. i-Tree Eco is one of the more used tools from iTree suite. It is mainly used for assessing the structure and function of urban forests. In this project, i-Tree Eco is used to process data samples collected from the campus of New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). iTree-Eco provides estimated calculations on multiple aspects. The evaluation will be more focused on the carbon sequestration and carbon storage of each species.

The overall objective of this thesis is to evaluate the current and potential carbon benefits produced by the trees of the NJIT campus, as a model of a typical urban campus. There are two sub objectives. One is to analyze the i-Tree package with provided documentation, trying to replicate some of the outputs using new written functions. Second is to analyze the reports generated by i-Tree Eco to making environmental plans.

Included in

Biology Commons



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