Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering - (M.S.)


Manufacturing Engineering Division

First Advisor

Steve Kotefski

Second Advisor

Kevin J. McDermott

Third Advisor

R. S. Sodhi


The work is based on the manufacturing of gears in a Job Shop type production plant. The topic is divided into three sections. 1. design, 2. graphics, and 3. process planning and analysis. A program is developed using Fortran for the iterative design procedure. With basic inputs, the program provides the design of gears with dimensions. During the procedure, the user has to intervene to specify some codes for the selection of materials and other parameters. Second section deals with the graphics utility. It provides a drawing of the gear with dimensions according to the input obtained from the design calculations. In the third section, manufacturing process analysis is done. The program provides different options for the selection of tools and other machining parameters. The program also provides the detailed analysis of the resulting parameters. Based on the availability and capacity, the user has to select his own manufacturing processes.

Included in

Manufacturing Commons



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