Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Science - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Environmental Science

First Advisor

Barbara B. Kebbekus

Second Advisor

S. Mitra

Third Advisor

Richard B. Trattner


Pentachlorophenol(PCP) has long been used as a preservative in the wood industry. The disposal of the used treated wood poles in landfill is of an environmental concern.

The study presented in this paper was designed to determine the leaching of pentachlorophenol from treated aged wood. An analytical method for HPLC determination of PCP was developed and validated to perform the analysis of pentachlorophenol in samples of the oringinal wood and leaching solutions.

Further studies involved the description of the PCP distribution in wood poles, the estimation of the leaching rate of PCP and the factors which influence the leaching rate of PCP.



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