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Cristo Leon
James Lipuma



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Objective: The primary aim of this project was to develop the "Online Professional Learning Exchange" (OPLE), a platform designed to support blended learning and facilitate a shift towards a Community of Practice (CoP) model. By integrating face-to-face, blended, and fully online learning situations, this move was intended to enhance the accessibility and effectiveness of professional development. Theoretical Framework: The project was grounded in theories of adult learning and community of practice. It utilized these frameworks to foster an environment where educators could collaboratively design and engage with learning materials. This approach aimed to promote sustained professional growth and mastery of teaching concepts. Method: The development of the OPLE involved a systematic review of the literature on professional learning and training methods, followed by the creation of blended learning modules that included videos, written materials, polls, and discussions. This method facilitated varied instructional approaches to cater to different learning styles and needs. Results and Discussion: The OPLE successfully enabled educators to master relevant educational concepts more efficiently and effectively. The analysis revealed that this integrated approach supported individual learning needs and encouraged active participation in a broader professional community. Research Implications: The findings from this project underscore the potential of collaborative co-design in professional development, particularly in enhancing the adaptability and engagement of PD programs. This model presents a viable blueprint for other educational systems looking to modernize their professional development approaches. Originality/Value: This research contributes to the field by demonstrating how transitioning from traditional expert-led training to a community-based, co-design approach can significantly improve the relevance and impact of professional development. The OPLE model highlights the value of integrating technology with collaborative learning frameworks to foster ongoing professional engagement and improvement.

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Blended Learning, Communities of Practice (CoP), Education, Effective Instruction, K-12, Lifelong Learning, Online Learning, Online Professional Learning Community, Professional Development, Professional Learning and Training Methods, SDG4 (Sustainable Development Goal 4)


Arts and Humanities | Education


León, C., & Lipuma, J. (2024). Collaborative Co-Design: Transforming Traditional Professional Development [Peer-reviewed journal]. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 18(10), e06461-e06461. /Research/Education.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Collaborative Co-Design: Transforming Traditional Professional Development
