Document Type


Date of Award

Fall 1-31-2000

Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Policy Studies - (M.S.)


Humanities and Social Sciences

First Advisor

Norbert Elliot

Second Advisor

Nancy Coppola

Third Advisor

David Stradling


The Sustainable Green Manufacturing Project is an initiative of the United States Army to develop environmentally-friendly technologies for Army-designated facilities. In pursuit of this goal, the Army has sought the research capabilities and expertise of outside organizations including the New Jersey Institute of Technology and Concurrent Technologies Corporation. The groups interact and exchange knowledge and tools with each other as well as with potential end users of the green technology. This exchange of knowledge and tools is known as technology transfer.

Researchers and Subject Matter Experts who are working on the SGM Project were interviewed in order to learn about the technology transfer process in a green innovation project. Their responses were analyzed and results were used to determine the successful and problematic aspects of the technology transfer in SOM, and how it is impacted by the environmental aspect.



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