Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science - (M.S.)


Computer and Information Science

First Advisor

Alexander D. Stoyenko


The Merrill Lynch data processing environment is composed of a conglomeration of applications which reside on various platforms. LAN and minicomputer based applications coexist with those making their home in the mainframe arena. Unfortunately, coexistence does not imply cooperation, data uniformity, data centralization or coordinated application development. Within the Merrill Lynch mainframe arena alone there are two operating systems which reside across several computing complexes, MVS (Multiple Virtual Storage) and VM (Virtual Machine). Critical business applications and data are unique to each of these environments. The problem lies in the need for cooperative processing and sharing of distributed data among these applications.

I have provided VM applications programmers with a common model for developing distributed applications within the Merrill Lynch SNA network utilizing IBM's APPC architecture. The common model developed is framework code written in the REXX language. The motivation for this project primarily stems from the complexity involved in developing applications which utilize IBM's APPC/VM API. Invoking and managing a simple conversation becomes extremely painful considering the numerous communications verbs required and the plethora of status that can be returned by each invocation.

Throughout development, the need for a common model to exploit the APPC architecture became increasingly obvious to me. I found that developing a conversation flow to produce the desired results requires a detailed knowledge of how the conversation partner applications will react to a situation.



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