Document Type


Date of Award

Summer 8-31-2008

Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems - (M.S.)


Information Systems

First Advisor

Murray Turoff

Second Advisor

Starr Roxanne Hiltz

Third Advisor

Michael J. Chumer


Existing techniques for emergency preparedness planning and training fail or lack the ability to convey training on a broad scale and timely fashion. Skill sets that are required for planning, mitigation, response and recovery issues are lost through information overload or failure to identify other channels in which to convey the information. In order to resolve some of the issues with currently existing methods such as tabletop training exercises (TTX), instructional video learning and full-scale exercises we can turn to virtual environments.

In a virtual environment teams can interact with their surroundings from the comfort of the office without having to incur the costs associated with traveling to various exercises. Additionally, a virtual city could allow for teams to develop a shared awareness, attempt to utilize and reinforce skill sets, while at the same time providing a safe, realistic, and adaptive gaming environment.



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