Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Fidel Morales-Moreno

Second Advisor

Joseph Frank

Third Advisor

Yun Q. Shi


It is usually difficult to reduce the effects of channel impairements on transmitted information. A fading channel is one such media in which digital communications system operates. A signal is subject to distortion in amplitude and phase when propagating towards the receiver. This puts constraint in required SNR at the receiver, for given performance. Various modulation/coding and demodulation/decoding techniques are employed to lessen the effects of fading. Bit error rate is a performance parameter that sets the criteria for signal design, system architecture and performance.

Here, a slow Rayleigh fading channel with three propagation paths possesing a scattering function of value unity is considered. Trellis code with rate 1/2 is employed as an error correcting code. The modulation scheme is tamed frequency modulation (TFM), which is more bandwidth efficient than power efficient. TFM is good modulation scheme for use in transmission of digital data in mobile communications, narrow band radio and sattelite communication systems. The modulator and encoder is considered as one entity resulting in a Viterbi decoder of reduced complexity. Entire communication system is simulated in C-Unix environment and error rate analysis is done to investigate the performance.

The result of error rate performance in fading plus gaussian channel is compared with that of gaussian channel.



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