Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)
Electrical Engineering
First Advisor
Haim Grebel
Second Advisor
Edip Niver
Third Advisor
Tushar Bhattacharjee
Planar optical waveguides consisting of different types of films including nonlinear films with metal cladding have been studied theoretically. Ideal metal cladding with σ = ∞ and nonideal metal cladding with σ ≠ ∞, that is, with complex refractive index is considered to get electric field and wave number for TE0 mode. For nonlinear material, approximate solution is derived in a series form using Rayleigh-Schrodinger method. The appropriate eigenvalue equations are solved by Newton-Raphson iteration method. For self-focusing media in the center, the propagation constant increases with increasing power and with self-focusing media in the cladding the propagation constant decreases with increasing power. For the latter case, when the refractive index of the cladding is greater than that of the core, we may get an increase in the propagation constant β with increasing power. For non-ideal metal-clad waveguide the propagation constant is a complex number because of the nonideal metal's complex refractive index.
Recommended Citation
Patel, Bhavesh, "Nonlinear, metal-clad optical waveguide" (1989). Theses. 2861.