Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)
Electrical Engineering
First Advisor
John D. Carpinelli
Second Advisor
Nirwan Ansari
Third Advisor
Irving Y. Wang
Considered in this thesis are n > m Clos networks on edge coloring and matrix decomposition algorithms. This work uses a two-fold approach to examine the effects of n > m Clos networks on edge coloring and matrix decomposition algorithms. First, edge coloring and matching on bipartite multigraphs are applied to routing on Clos networks. It is demonstrated that edge coloring algorithms which find a minimum edge coloring set up the routing for n > m Clos networks with redundancy. The results presented here indicate that the Euler coloring algorithm has applications on n > m Clos networks because it has fast time complexity and may not find a minimal coloring. Second, routing is examined in the matrix decomposition domain. It is shown that routing by matrix decomposition algorithms will result in redundancy on n > m Clos networks. But the partition algorithm has a characteristic that it can form n partial-E matrices, n > m. This has application on n > m Clos networks.
Recommended Citation
Lin, Ming-Hsing, "Effects of n>m Clos networks on edge coloring and matrix decomposition algorithms" (1989). Theses. 2824.