Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Engineering - (M.S.)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Jay N. Meegoda

Second Advisor

Hsin Neng Hsieh


One of the most effective ways of reducing petroleum contaminated soil is to use it in the production of hot mix asphalt. Both asphalt cement and petroleum contaminates have similar chemical properties. Therefore, The contaminates will be locked within the asphalt matrix without potential leaching.

The six different petroleum contaminate soil samples from New Jersey were used in this research. Since those samples have different physical properties (such as moisture content, specific gravity, plastic limit, liquid limit, grain size distribution) and chemical properties( such as concentration of the contaminate, and type of contaminates) the maximum amount of petroleum contaminated soil added to the hot mix asphalt depends on those physical and chemical properties of that soil.

In this research the following are examined: 1) The maximum percentage of petroleum contaminated soil that may be used to produce acceptable hot mix asphalt. 2) The proper procedure to be followed to produce the most stable hot mix asphalt concrete, and 3) The limitations of the PCS with HMA as a product.

In order to determinate the suitability of hot mix asphalt with petroleum contaminated soils, the Marshall test is used where the Stability, Flow, Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregates, Air Voids and Bulk Specific Gravity values were determined.



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