Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

First Advisor

Dimitrios P. Tassios

Second Advisor

Deran Hanesian

Third Advisor

Mahmoud F. Abd-El-Bary


A four-parameter group-contribution model (UNIFAC) has been developed for the prediction of heats of mixing of non-electrolyte mixtures. Both the UNIFAC and AGSM models are evaluated over a wide range of temperature dependencies of the group interaction parameters. The UNIFAC model has been chosen over the AGSM model and an optimum parameter-temperature relationship has been established.

Adopting the optimum temperature dependency, group inter-action parameters have been calculated using UNIFAC for the prediction of four types of mixtures: n-Alcohols/n-Alkanes; Benzene/n-Alkanes; Nitriles/n-Alkanes; Amines/n-Alkanes.



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