Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering

First Advisor

Jerome J. Salamone

Second Advisor

John E. McCormick

Third Advisor

Deran Hanesian


A literature search on the methods of determining the thermal conductivity of solids has been made.

A compilation of the various methods of determining the thermal conductivity of solids presented in the literature is given in the report. In general, the literature is lacking in correlations of thermal conductivity with other properties of solid materials. A review of the correlations found is presented. A summary of data presented in the literature is presented in the text.

A method of determining the thermal conductivity of solid materials without measuring the heat flow through the test specimen is presented. The use of a reference material of known thermal conductivity enables the experimenter to determine the thermal conductivity of the test specimen without measuring any properties of the test material other than its physical dimensions. The use of two samples of test materials of different lengths enables the determination of the thermal conductivity to be corrected for contact resistance between the test and reference samples without determination of the contact resistance. The experimental procedure and the design of the apparatus for the proposed method are presented. The design of the apparatus and method of correction for contact resistance has not been previously reported in the literature.



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