Document Type


Date of Award

Fall 1-31-1997

Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Environmental Science

First Advisor

Robert G. Luo

Second Advisor

Angelo J. Perna

Third Advisor

Deran Hanesian


Gradient elution chromatography is an efficient technique for adjusting the retention of sample components during liquid chromatographic separations. However, the optimization of gradient elution is usually done by trial and error. Thus, for large scale processes this results in expensive and time consuming design and operations. Peak resolution that describes the degree of separation is a commonly used parameter for chromatographic processes. However, in processes where operating time and product dilution are of great importance, resolution alone is not adequate for describing the separation efficiency.

A new parameter "resolution optimization factor" is used for the optimization of gradient elution processes. Different gradient inputs were studied using proteins β-Lactoglobulin A/B to demonstrate the utility of resolution optimization factor. Thus, gradient profiles can be predicted which will give better separation efficiency by considering resolution as well as elution time. This is expected to lead to a systematic and rational approach that can be used to improve the efficiency of the downstream production processes, and reduce the amount of waste solvents generated in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.



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