Document Type
Date of Award
Spring 5-31-1997
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy in Computing Sciences - (Ph.D.)
Computer and Information Science
First Advisor
Edwin Hou
Second Advisor
Peter A. Ng
Third Advisor
Yun Q. Shi
Fourth Advisor
Daochuan Hung
Fifth Advisor
Timothy Nam Chang
This dissertation presents the development of three computer systems for multi-wavelength thermal imaging.
Two computer systems were developed for the multi-wavelength imaging pyrometers (M-WIPs) that yield non-contact temperature measurements by remotely sensing the surface of objects with unknown wavelength-dependent emissivity. These M-WIP computer systems represent the state-of-art development in remote temperature measurement system based on the multi-wavelength approach. The dissertation research includes M-WIP computer system integration, software development, performance evaluation, and also applications in monitoring and control of temperature distribution of silicon wafers in a rapid thermal process system.
The two M-WIPs are capable of data acquisition, signal processing, system calibration, radiometric measurement, parallel processing and process control. Temperature measurement experiments demonstrated the accuracy of ±1°C against blackbody and ±4°C for colorbody objects. Various algorithms were developed and implemented, including real-time two-point non-uniformity correction, thermal image pseudocoloring, PC to SUN workstation data transfer, automatic IR camera integration time control, and radiometric measurement parallel processing.
A third computer system was developed for the demonstration of a 3-color InGaAs FPA which can provide images with information in three different IR wavelength range simultaneously. Numbers of functions were developed to demonstrate and characterize 3-color FPAs, and the system was delivered to be used by the 3-color FPA manufacturer.
Recommended Citation
Li, Jun, "Multi-wavelength infrared imaging computer systems and applications" (1997). Dissertations. 1058.