Document Type


Date of Award

Spring 5-31-1999

Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Policy Studies - (M.S.)


Humanities and Social Sciences

First Advisor

John Opie

Second Advisor

Robert S. Friedman

Third Advisor

Andrew Goldberg


New Jersey has been required to use oxygenated gasoline from November 1 to March 30 since 1992 in order to reduce carbon monoxide from vehicles. This requirement was part of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. For the past six winters, New Jersey has utilized gasoline with methyl butyl tertiary ether, MTBE, as the oxygenate. In New Jersey, and in many states across the country, health complaints were reported after oxygenated fuel started flowing from gas pumps.

Oxybusters is a grassroots organization dedicated to the removal of oxygenated gasoline off the market. The group has pressured Governor Whitman to take steps for the removal of the gasoline from the marketplace. Carbon monoxide emissions are down and the air is cleaner. Additionally, New Jersey has recently implemented a revamped inspection system which should also assist in ridding the air of carbon monoxide.



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