Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical Engineering

First Advisor

Anthony D. Robbi

Second Advisor

MengChu Zhou

Third Advisor

Daniel Y. Chao


A highly interactive graphical tool is developed for the drawing and simulation of discrete event systems involving time constraints. The Timed Petri Net Simulator tool (TPNS) is capable of simulating systems with deterministic and stochastic delays. Performance and utilization parameters are collected during simulation for behavior and analysis purposes. Simulation results are stored in different files (log, verify, utilize, and mark). Conflict resolution on the basis of priority or random selection of multiple transitions in conflict is implemented to handle complex modeling situations. A user friendly interface is developed for effective interaction between the tool and the user. This interface utilizes pop-up windows and an on-line help facility.



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