Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering - (M.S.)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

C.T. Thomas Hsu

Second Advisor

M. Ala Saadeghvaziri


It is known that both strength and fragility are two of the most important properties in concrete. In this research, theories of Chemistry, Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, Thermodynamics and Fracture Mechanics are used to study the relationships between the macromechanical behavior of concrete and the microstructure in concrete. The objectives of this research are therefore to find some effective ways to explain theoretically why the concrete is so brittle (fragile) and how to increase its strength or to decrease its fragility. Based on the present studies, an equation is formulated to calculate the coefficient of the fragility (or brittleness) of concrete. This coefficient has been found more useful and physically reliable than others.



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