Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering - (M.S.)


Manufacturing Engineering Division

First Advisor

Keith T. O'Brien

Second Advisor

Nouri Levy

Third Advisor

Steve Kotefski


Computer Numerical Control is one important phase to overall application of computer on the shopfloor. Today a large variety of CNC machine tools are offered by manufacturer following different standards. This thesis is organized with the purpose of comparing various technical and economical considerations for CNC machine tool purchase and application. The main purpose of study is to mention various features of CNC machine tools and its possible integration which can reduce product lead time and improve quality. General replacement minimum cost model is discussed with case study for economic justification of machine purchase. While discussing technical features emphasis is given for networking considerations right from the first CNC purchase. Various CNC programming techniques and tool management technique are discussed for effective tool control which affects greatly to CNC productivity. Role of management and required planning before CNC procurement is discussed. Successful application of these techniques results in achieving CNC from machine control to management control.

Included in

Manufacturing Commons



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