Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

N. M. Ravindra

Second Advisor

Kenneth Sohn

Third Advisor

Durgamadhab Misra


Analyses of Electrical characteristics, of TilAu/SiO21InP structures, are presented here. The (MIS) Metal-Insulator- Semiconductor capacitors were fabricated with oxide thickness of 195nm, 420nm and 610nm respectively. The SiO2 films were deposited on n-type Indium Phosphide(/nP) using Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition (RTCVD). The characterization techniques employed in these experiments were (I-V) Current Voltage and High Frequency Capacitance Voltage (C-V) techniques. The electrical parameters obtained from the I-V and C-V measurements have been discussed here.



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