Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

First Advisor

Saul I. Kreps

Second Advisor

Deran Hanesian

Third Advisor

Ching-Rong Huang


A digital computer simulation of a batch or semi-batch reaction was developed. The system consisted of a jacketed, agitated vessel equipped with a temperature controller modulating a control valve in the stream to the jacket. The reaction was liquid phase, and the jacket medium was liquid.

The program was written in a general form so as to be applicable to any liquid phase reaction with minimum modification.

A numerical technique was employed using initial values of the process variables in the first cycle of calculations for a time interval, and then using average values for further iterations. The simulation proceeded by time increments until the maximum desired reaction time was reached, or until the reaction rate dropped to the minimum desired conversion per time interval.

For the trial runs of the program, a reaction, the esterification of acetic acid with ethyl alcohol, and conditions were selected, along with other specifics such as equipment, instrumentation, and cooling medium. All the necessary data on these items were collected.

A series of simulations were performed for various controller settings. The reaction temperature was plotted against time with the controller settings as parameters to illustrate the effect of the settings on temperature control.

The results obtained agree in general with the behavior expected, with temperature control improving with increasing rate and integral setting and improving with increasing gain up to a certain point.



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