Document Type


Date of Award

Spring 6-30-1938

Degree Name

Degree of Chemical Engineer


Chemical Engineering


This thesis is offered as partial fulfilment for the degree of Chemical Engineer at the Newark College of Engineering. It covers a very new subject - one which has been rather intensively developed by several investigators during the past three years. The writer has had the fortunate opportunity of working on organic ion-exchange materials at the Ellis-Foster Co., which kindly gave permission through Mr. Carleton Ellis for the publication of experimental results. Many thanks are due to Dr. Frank B. Root, the laboratory director, whose gracious, constructive criticisms aided the writer in all phases of the work.

An attempt has been made to present a fairly comprehensive picture of the industrial set-up in which the new materials may find application. A reasonably thorough literature search has provided what is hoped will prove an extensive bibliography. On the basis of experimental evidence presented, the properties of the materials are compared with those of the zeolites and suggestions are offered for commercial utilization.



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