Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name
Master of Science in Civil Engineering - (M.S.)
Civil and Environmental Engineering
First Advisor
C.T. Thomas Hsu
Second Advisor
Farhad Ansari
A general analysis and design equation for prestressed concrete column is proposed. This equation represents the strength interaction diagrams of prestressed concrete columns under bending about one axis and combined with axial load. The equation proposed is a modification of the one developed by Dr. Hsu, C.T. Thomas for reinforced concrete columns published in the ACI structural journal in 1988. The analytical results were compared with the results of tests on 30 eccentrically loaded prestressed columns reported by H.R. Brown and A.S. Hall. The results were in good agreement with the static analysis and the above mentioned test reports. The results of this study show that the proposed equation of interaction diagrams gives a more simple analytical tool to determine the ultimate strengths of prestressed concrete columns than those of other methods.
Recommended Citation
Palaniappan, Angamuthu, "Equation of interaction diagrams for prestressed concrete columns" (1989). Theses. 2857.