Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name
Master of Science in Management - (M.S.)
School of Industrial Management
First Advisor
Alfred Linden Levinson
Second Advisor
Cheickna Sylla
The impact of office automation in today's business environment has a variety of major and minor effects on individuals from top level executives to middle management to secretarial and clerical workers. This effect also varies dramatically from corporation to corporation according to many factors. Such factors, as size, organizational philosophy, management structures, employee participation, educating practices and competitive boundaries, can cause diverse effects and reactions on organizations.
In order to ascertain an accurate awareness of the impact of office automation on organizations and its people, it was necessary to investigate a group of corporations of varied sizes, with different employee and management structures and differed corporate goals. The step was to devise a questionaire for submission to five corporations and their workers of all levels of employment. In making a judgement as to the worth or value of each question as related to office automation's varied impacts, several detailed interviews were conducted with individuals in order to calculate the areas of concern and impact.
Time was also afforded to review the related literature and to collect data in order to conform the squestionaire and interview process to prevailing standards and methods. The compilation of the responses provided the fundamental information needed to effectively discuss office automation's impact on organizations.
The findings led to the conclusion that office automation in corporations is providing increased benefits to the overall cost efficiency of a firm, as well as, major increases in productivity and Employee commitment. Automation is enabling corporations to communicate better, internally and externally, with the rapid exchange of vital information wjiich affects the overall health of an organization. Office automation is enhancing all areas of work in companies. The gains are many if the implementation is properly coordinated, with training, planning and commitment at all levels.
There is a negative side, however, for example, we found that office automation can produce stress and increase concerns for management and workers. Many workers believe that training requirements have not yet been acheived, and their pay scale is far less than the increased productivity gains.
Recommended Citation
Mentes, Hasan, "Office automation's impact on organizations" (1990). Theses. 2844.