Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering - (M.S.)


Manufacturing Engineering Division

First Advisor

R. S. Sodhi

Second Advisor

Nouri Levy

Third Advisor

Steve Kotefski


The quality control function has traditionally been performed using manual inspection methods and statistical sampling procedures. Manual inspection is generally a time - consuming procedure which involves precise, yet monotonous work. It often requires that parts be removed from the vicinity of the production machines to a separate inspection area. This causes delays and often constitutes a bottleneck in the manufacturing schedule.

As a solution to the above problem a Non - Contact Gaging System developed by Optical Gaging Products, Inc., has been used here to study the feasibility of using an automated inspection system and a procedure of developing part programs for inspecting stamping products manufactured by Hudson Tool and Die Company.

The software used here can be run on any properly Hewlett Packard Series 200 Computer. All inspection programs can be generated by the user by pressing labelled control buttons to select options from a menu. Programs can be written by either walking a test piece through the measurements or by entering the measurement specifics directly from the engineering drawing. A complete step by step procedure of how a part program is developed is explained in the following sections. The interpretation of output details is also explained and the results obtained for a few sample products of Hudson Tool and Die Company are discussed at the end.

Included in

Manufacturing Commons



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